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Happe, Kathrin; Kellermann, Konrad.
Agent-based models have recently become very popular. However, it is often difficult to communicate the models' complexity and assumptions. Hence, criticising them becomes a challenging task. This paper addresses this problem and discusses different ways to increase the transparency and acceptability of complex models. We use designed experiments and metamodelling to show relationships between model parameters and the impact of policy options. We do so using the model AgriPoliS which has been initialised using an artificial agricultural structure Agentenbasierte Ansätze erfreuen sich einer immer größeren Beliebtheit. Allerdings besteht ein grundlegendes Problem dieses Ansatzes darin, dass die Komplexität der angewendeten Modelle und der darin getroffenen...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agentenbasierte Modellierung; Design of Experiments; Sensitivitätsanalyse; Politikanalyse; Agent-based modelling; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Future and Past Effects of the Common Agricultural Policy in Czech Republic AgEcon
Sahrbacher, Christoph; Jelinek, Ladislav; Kellermann, Konrad; Medonos, Tomas.
The paper discusses the impact of the implementation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy on Czech agriculture with a special emphasis given to the effects resulting from the application of current direct payments system. Two approaches were applied: in an ex post analysis we address how accession have so far influenced structural changes income situation and production structure. Secondly, in an ex-ante analysis we apply the agent-based model AgriPoliS to simulate the impacts of decoupling top-ups on structural change and farm income. In the ex post analysis it has been observed that production decisions are strongly influenced by top-ups. Furthermore, the model shows that accession slows down structural change while decoupling of top-ups in 2009 will not...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Structural change; Czech Republic; Decoupling; Agent-based modelling; Common Agricultural Policy.; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Impact of the CAP reform on small-scale grassland regions AgEcon
Roeder, Norbert; Kantelhardt, Jochen; Kapfer, Martin.
This paper presents a regional land-use model that conceives farms as independent agents aiming at maximum individual utility. Farm agents optimize their utility with the help of a linear-programming algorithm that takes into account natural, economic and personal restrictions. Interactions between farms take place on the land market, which is modelled as an equilibrium market. The model is applied in three typical grassland regions in southern Bavaria. The results indicate that the CAP reform of 2003 has various significant consequences for grassland use. In particular, the decreasing profitability of dairy farming will lead to low-intensity forms of grassland use, including mulching. In general, land rents will increase due to the effects of decoupling.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: CAP Reform; Linear programming; Land-market simulation; Agent-based modelling; Farmers attitude; Policy analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Impact of the CAP Reform on Small-Scaled Grassland Regions in Bavaria, Germany AgEcon
Roeder, Norbert; Kantelhardt, Jochen; Kapfer, Martin.
The CAP reform of 2003 will change farmer's business environment in Europe. This paper analyses the impact of the reform on the land use in southern German grassland regions. The assessment will be based on model calculations for two typical grassland regions. Each study area represents one village with its specific farm structure and natural conditions. These regions differ in their excellence with respect to agricultural use. In Southern Germany small to medium sized family farms is the most frequent type of farming. We use a regional land-use model that conceives farms as independent agents aiming at maximum individual utility. Farm agents optimize their farm organisation with the help of a linear-programming algorithm that takes into account natural,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP-reform; Linear programming; Land-market simulation; Agent-based modelling; Farmers attitude; Policy analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Models of general community assembly mechanisms simulating the spatial and temporal dynamics of benthic biodiversity ArchiMer
Alexandridis, Nikolaos.
Benthic macroinvertebrates are part of a complex network of interactions. The spatial and temporal scales of the processes that form the basis for these interactions have traditionally restricted their empirical investigation. The first chapter of the manuscript attempts a review of the modelling tools that have been employed for the study of the marine benthos. The implementation of a mechanistic modelling framework seems fitting, but it requires the derivation of a few model entities with a clear functional role. The second chapter of the manuscript employs the emergent group hypothesis to do that in a way that is objective and testable. The resulting grouping is tested against theoretical expectations and the results support its ability to represent...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Assemblage des communautés; Estuaire de la Rance; Groupes fonctionnels; Macrofaune benthique; Modélisation de la biodiversité; Modélisation orientée agent; Modélisation qualitative; Trade-offs fonctionnels; Traits biologiques; Agent-based modelling; Benthic macrofauna; Biodiversity model; Biological traits; Community assembly; Functional groups; Functional trade-offs; Qualitative modelling; Rance estuary.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Schnicke, Hauke Joachim; Happe, Kathrin; Sahrbacher, Christoph.
This Discussion Paper explores interactions between structural impediments to labour adjustment, specific labour adjustment patterns and the impacts of differing economical and political frames. Based on the agent-based simulation framework AgriPoliS adjusted to the agricultural structure of the region Nitra in southwest Slovakia, we carry out a range of simulation experiments on the possible interplay between off-farm job opportunities for farm operators, growth in other sectors of the economy, and policy impacts. Results show that free movement of labour between sectors leads to strong adjustments in the agricultural labour force and benefits farms with a growth potential. EU Accession and a subsequent decoupling of payments lead farms to stay in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Labour input; Structural change; Agent-based modelling; Agricultural policy analysis. Landwirtschaftliche Beschäftigung; Strukturwandel; Agentenbasierte Modellierung; Politikanalyse; Agribusiness; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q 12; Q 18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Spatial Agent-based Competition Model (SpAbCoM) AgEcon
Graubner, Marten.
The paper presents a detailed documentation of the underlying concepts and methods of the Spatial Agent-based Competition Model (SpAbCoM). For instance, SpAbCoM is used to study firms’ choices of spatial pricing policy (GRAUBNER et al., 2011a) or pricing and location under a framework of multi-firm spatial competition and two-dimensional markets (GRAUBNER et al., 2011b). While the simulation model is briefly introduced by means of relevant examples within the corresponding papers, the present paper serves two objectives. First, it presents a detailed discussion of the computational concepts that are used, particularly with respect to genetic algorithms (GAs). Second, it documents SpAbCoM and provides an overview of the structure of the simulation model and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agent-based modelling; Genetic algorithms; Spatial pricing; Location model; Agent-basierte Modellierung; Genetische Algorithmen; Räumliche Preissetzung; Standortmodell; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Demand and Price Analysis; Y90.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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